Hebrews 7 claims Jesus to be a priest according to the order of Melchizedek (7:17). The Aaronic priesthood from the Old Testament was imperfect and thus needed to be perfected in order for the sins of the people to be truly and eternally forgiven (7:11). The High Priest of the Old Testament was commanded once a year to enter into the Holy of Holies to offer sacrifice for the sins of the people. They were entering into the presence of God on behalf of the people (Leviticus 16). This day was called the Day of Atonement.
Instead of Christ being a High Priest according to the order of Aaron established in the Old Covenant, He is according to the order of Melchizedek. This means that:
1. Jesus is a King and Priest. This was not allowed under the Old Covenant. Jesus is the ruler and propitiator for His people.
2. Jesus is a King of righteousness and peace. He brings righteousness through His blood sacrificed on the cross and peace which surpasses all understanding (Romans 3:25-26; Philippians 4:7).
3. Jesus remains a priest continually (7:3). His priesthood never ends. The High Priests of the Old Covenant did not officiate as the mediator between God and man eternally. Christ sits at the right side of the throne of God and mediates on our behalf forever (7:23-24). This is why a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ can enter into the Holy of Holies (the very presence of God) anytime and in any place (7:25). We can boldly approach the throne of grace.
4. Jesus was not from the family line of Aaron. The eternal High Priest came through the family line of Judah and more specifically, David, because He is the Messiah promised from the Old Testament (Genesis 49; 2 Samuel 7).
5. Jesus does not need to daily or yearly offer sacrifices for sins. Instead, He died once for all so that those who give their life to Him will be eternally forgiven of all sins (7:27).
Thank God that He has sent Jesus to be our High Priest forever. His sacrifice on our behalf will never end if we choose to follow after Him in faith. We can be made right before God ONLY through the blood of Jesus. Jesus offers peace that is unparalleled in this life and will be fully manifested in the life to come. I thank God that I can daily enter into the presence of God because of the sacrifice that Jesus made for me. We do not need an earthly priest, church member, or pastor to usher us to the throne of God. We have our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ to do that for us. Thank you Jesus.