Friday, November 9, 2012

God's Kingdom Rules

The prophet Obadiah is prophesying in a time when Israel is cast off by God and placed in exile by the evil conquering Babylonians.  Edom assisted Babylon in the destruction of Jerusalem.  God pronounces throughout the book that this was a bad idea on the part of the Edomites.  They will be punished by God for their part in destroying God's people and their land (Obadiah 1-15). 

Israel, at this time in their history, must have been wondering if God had cast them off forever.  Could God forget His promise to Abraham that "in you all the nations of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis 12:3)?  Obadiah answers this question with his closing statement, "Saviors shall go up to Mount Zion to rule Mount Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lord's" (Obadiah 21).  God's Kingdom rules and will continue to rule through Abraham's seed, Israel, the family line of Judah, and the Davidic dynasty.  God will reign from Jerusalem (Obadiah 21).  This redemptive reign of God will be inaugurated through the sacrifice of the Messiah which will also fulfill the promise to Abraham, Israel, Judah, and David.  The Kingdom shall be the Lord's.

It is easy to get discouraged through life. Israel was put into slavery, but God promised them hope through a coming Messiah that would finally deliver them.  Everything about life is difficult.  Marriage is difficult.  Jobs are difficult.  Friendships are difficult.  However, when our marriages get difficult we look to Jesus.  When our jobs get difficult we look to Jesus.  When our friendships get difficult we look to Jesus.  Why?  Because our hope is not in a pastor, a friend, a spouse, or in anything or anyone else.  Our hope is found in Christ alone!  God I pray that when I am disappointed by something or someone that I would remember that my hope is in Jesus alone.  Amen.

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